5 Reasons to Quit Smoking Today

...menstrual cycles, early menopause, and increased challenges during menopause. 4. Benefit Others By Leaving the Pack Behind  Continuing along the topic of reproductive health, we know that smoking is bad...

Life After Treatment

...post treatment may entail a tightrope walk all must now navigate. It’s easy to become frustrated as a family member or friend observing. Continuing to make life conducive to a...

Sexuality and Deep Relating

...into some quality therapy is a much saner approach than continuing to distract and numb ourselves to our pain.   Once a man begins to free his attention from its compulsive...

Enriching Your Life With High-Quality Podcasts

...include Alt-Dot Comedy Lounge (Toronto stand-up comedy) and RadioLab (which is also really informative). 2. Use Podcasts For Professional Development We’ve talked in previous articles about the benefits of continuing...


...and confrontational style treatment; it is sustained by compassion and humanistic-based quality care. In continuing this quality care, our staff is provided with on-going coaching classes and self-awareness workshops so...

Fight, Flight, Feel?

...showing we were actually devastated.   Regardless of when those learned behaviors first came into play, it’s important to recognize that by continuing to educate ourselves on alternative ways of...

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