Warrior Mentality: Being okay with Suffering

Warrior Spirits

As I drift back from my thoughts and recollect the familiar and unfamiliar faces I got to see during this trip, I’m left with that feeling of centeredness and connection. There will always be struggle and strife in life, but there will also, always, be perseverance and resiliency. We are ALL warrior spirits. We battle everyday in different ways. My reflection is that life isn’t meant to be all sunshine and rainbows. Nope. It’s meant to be exactly the way it is. Why? Because it helps create appreciation and gratefulness and it helps define character and builds strength.

The Human Condition

I love how long journeys in airports or long drives on the highway can provoke deep inner thought and reflection. It provides the opportunity for insight and an opportunity to peel away the layers of life. As my favourite tunes echo in the background and seep through my earbuds, my thought glistens over that idea again… of our warrior spirit and of the human plight that often creates that warrior spirit. One that battles the ailments of life in all different ways and shades.

You can not appreciate the light without the dark or the good without the bad. It brings sense to a sometimes nonsensical state of being and existing. The human existence is that of suffering and in that suffering we bring back the existence of our humanity. Something amazing happened this trip. It started out with a rainbow and ended with a rainbow. I sigh… Perhaps, that I am on the right path.

Philosopher’s Corner

I’ll leave you with this last quote, “without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. It is far better to take things as they come along with patience and equanimity.”
~Carl Jung

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